

Preparing for Q-day: Why You Need Better Encryption Now

In anticipation of Q-day, Great Wing developed Wormhole™, a new method for data transfer that is safe from quantum computers.

“Ghosting” Bad Actors to Prevent DoS Attacks

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are all too common, and it can be challenging to prevent them. Read our article about a different approach to preventing DoS attacks.

TunnelVision Protection for Any VPN

Read about a unique solution to the recently found TunnelVision cybersecurity vulnerability.

Defending Against the XZ Utils Backdoor with DefenceDome™ Wormhole™ Protocol

Read about how Great Wing’s new technology combats the XZ Utils backdoor vulnerability.

The perfect crime… continued

If all your data arrives intact, all is well on your website, right? Maybe not. See how your information can be hijacked without your even knowing.

From New York to Miami…via Cambodia?

One of the fundamental concepts of the internet is that packets travel to their destination using the fastest possible route. So why is your data taking the long way?

Three Red (Chinese) Flags That Microsoft Should Have Noticed

The recent, so called “HAFNIUM breach” of Microsoft Exchange servers could have been avoided if only Microsoft had been better attuned to how sovereign hackers think, act and attack.